Thursday, September 24, 2015


Well, here I go again, trying to start a blog. I have high hopes for myself this time, though, since I do tend to blog more while travelling. And I will be travelling in a couple of weeks!

I will be heading to Chile in October to do some volunteer work through A Broader View. I volunteered with this organization back in 2010, and found it to be really good. Not so expensive that you have to save for eight months just to volunteer for two weeks, and not so inexpensive that you're sacrificing your safety (or paying to "volunteer" where you aren't actually needed). Also, I like the communication with this organization. Any time I e-mailed with a question or problem, I would get a response almost immediately. (Or at least within 24 hours!)

What will I be doing, you ask? Well, since I'm a teacher (on leave this year, yes, but still a teacher), naturally I'll be working with kids. Looking after them, teaching them, playing with them, etc...

Kidding!! As much as I like kids, I wanted this year to be an opportunity for me to try new things. So I'm going to be working with the elderly while I'm in Chile. Doing activities, helping with meals, taking them to appointments, and lots more. Hopefully it will be very different from my job back home, and a good experience for me.

I'll be staying in La Serena, where most people speak little to no English. This will be a great opportunity to learn a new language. It will also be extremely challenging, as my Spanish is high basic, at best. ¡Yo soy Michelle! ¿Como se llama usted?

 (My future best friend)

More updates to come as my travel dates approach! Stay tuned!

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