Thursday, October 29, 2015

Things Said to Me at the Nursing Home

These are some of the things the abuelos have said to me this week. (They've said a lot more, but I still struggle to understand a lot of it!) I have kindly decided to translate all phrases into English for you. (You're welcome!)

"Miss, when will I get bread? You have such a pretty face. I like looking at it. And I'm really hungry."

"Why the hell am I sitting here by myself?! Did you forget me?!"

"The pope is cool. He's from Argentina. But he lives in Rome."

"You speak English? My breakfast here!" **

"If you don't want to be elbowed in the face, stop trying to make me eat!"

"Clap your hands, Gringa!"

"Are you studying to be a nun?"

"Does your Spanish dictionary translate into Chilean?"

"Americans are all criminals. Are you American?"

**I did not have to translate this. A very angry abuela yelled it at me this morning.

And now, for a moment of zen. Brought to you by Lisa.


  1. Really enjoyed these Michelle....still chuckling especially the one about Americans...Lisa and her compadres know how to handle stuff...

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