Saturday, October 24, 2015

Weekend Plans

Well, originally I had hoped to go on a tour this weekend, but it's not easy to do when there's nobody else going. (The tour company books trips with 2 or more people and there wasn't any interest - except from me - to go on certain tours this weekend.) so, instead, I will be spending my weekend at the beach! Yes, that's right. The beach is close enough to my house that I can walk there. Very exciting!

It's hard for me to believe that it's already the weekend again. My days are so busy that they fly by. It's a good kind of busy, though. A "typical" day (I use quotes because there really isn't any such thing as typical here) looks like this:

8:00 - breakfast
8:25-9:10 - travel to the nursing home
9:10-10:00 - breakfast for the seniors
10:00-10:20 - breakfast for the staff (I usually spend this time visiting with the seniors)
10:20-12:00 - help in the bathroom (blowdrying hair, cleaning faces and ears, helping those with low vision get into and out of the bathroom stalls)
12:00-12:30 - bring all seniors to the dining room
12:30-1:40 - lunch for the seniors
1:40-2:00 - lunch for the staff
2:15-3:00 - walk home
3:00-5:00 - free time (I usually go somewhere in town)
5:00-6:30 - Spanish lessons
6:30-6:50 - break (and dinner)
6:50-8:00 - Spanish lessons

By 8:00, I'm usually exhausted, and I'm asleep by 9:30 or 10:00. (Such a party animal, I know!)

Here are some pictures of the beach. (I was there on Tuesday evening, but only for a little bit, because it was freezing.)

The last picture shows some of the damage done by the recent earthquake and tsunami. Even though they build everything here with earthquakes in mind, stuff happens.


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